In the Beginning

Hi, my name is Lori and I love to scrapbook.  Okay, wait a minute.  I sound like I’m at a Tupperware party.  It kind of applies because it started at a Creative Memories party. 

Why don’t we go back to the beginning? 

About 15 years ago I was invited to a co-workers house for a night of fun getting to learn about a new product that would help me organize my photos.  To be completely honest, I didn’t really want to go but I felt obligated because my cubicle was right beside hers.  My husband was less than enthused to take over the entire bedtime routine for 3 little kids but relented when I explained it would keep my name out of the water cooler gossip. 

I went to that party fully expecting to buy one thing to fulfill my co-worker obligation but instead walked out the door that night with a receipt for over $100 worth of scrapbook supplies. 

I was sold.  

Not on the product necessarily, but the idea.  I saw the importance of preserving memories for future generations. 

Fast forward 12 years, 3 teenagers, a dog, and 2 jobs.  I was busy and that is putting it mildly.  My scrapbooking had dwindled to almost nothing.  I would get frustrated because it took me days to get a layout done.  I was following the model presented in the magazines; put one large photo on the page with $100 worth of embellishments around it.  Scrapbooking was no longer about the memories but about trying to create the perfect work of art.  Don’t get me wrong.  This is definitely a creative outlet for me and I love to let my artsy side have free reign.  But it had become more of a burden than fun.  Not only was I not completing many layouts but the ones that I did manage to get done didn’t portray much in the memory department.

Fast forward a few more years to the present day.  I’m still busy but I’m beginning to see the light.  It’s been a long time coming and things don’t change overnight but I’m optimistic. 

I’m getting ready to take some first steps. I hope you’ll want to join me.

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