Back to the Basics

Are you busy?

I suppose that’s a silly question. Everyone is busy these days. It doesn’t matter if you are a stay at home or working mom; a college student or retiree; newly married or single. Busyness seems to be a way of life. And all of that busyness causes us to put off or push out the important things in life.

I don’t know about you but I’m tired.

 Tired of being busy.  Tired of not taking the time to enjoy the little things that I love to do. Tired of not being silly with my friends. Tired of not making memories with my loved ones. Tired of not making time to scrapbook.

So, I’ve decided to make a change. I’m getting back to the basics.  Back to the basics in my scrapbooking life, my business life, and life in general.  I’m going to make this my focus for the rest of the year.

I’m so excited to start this blog. The idea originally was to share challenges for my Great in Eight Creating Keepsakes class but it has developed into so much more. I want to invite you to join me in this journey.

I’m calling it JG b2b (Jilly Girl Back to Basics).  Let’s take on the challenge to get back to the basics!

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