Great in Eight Weekly Challenges

We all need incentive from time to time to get out our scissors and adhesive and start scrapbooking.That’s why one of my classes at Creating Keepsakes Conventions this year is a weekly challenge based class called Great in Eight

To keep the motivation going we will be posting challenges here on our blog each week. These challenges are aimed at motivating you to scrapbook. Part of my getting back to basics commitment for this year is to become intentional in the things that matter most. So I am going participate in these challenges right along with you. 

We’ll start the first full week of May which will take us through the last full week of June. Eight weeks.  One layout a week.  That shouldn't be too difficult.  I can’t wait to get started! 

Back to the Basics

Are you busy?

I suppose that’s a silly question. Everyone is busy these days. It doesn’t matter if you are a stay at home or working mom; a college student or retiree; newly married or single. Busyness seems to be a way of life. And all of that busyness causes us to put off or push out the important things in life.

I don’t know about you but I’m tired.

 Tired of being busy.  Tired of not taking the time to enjoy the little things that I love to do. Tired of not being silly with my friends. Tired of not making memories with my loved ones. Tired of not making time to scrapbook.

So, I’ve decided to make a change. I’m getting back to the basics.  Back to the basics in my scrapbooking life, my business life, and life in general.  I’m going to make this my focus for the rest of the year.

I’m so excited to start this blog. The idea originally was to share challenges for my Great in Eight Creating Keepsakes class but it has developed into so much more. I want to invite you to join me in this journey.

I’m calling it JG b2b (Jilly Girl Back to Basics).  Let’s take on the challenge to get back to the basics!

In the Beginning

Hi, my name is Lori and I love to scrapbook.  Okay, wait a minute.  I sound like I’m at a Tupperware party.  It kind of applies because it started at a Creative Memories party. 

Why don’t we go back to the beginning? 

About 15 years ago I was invited to a co-workers house for a night of fun getting to learn about a new product that would help me organize my photos.  To be completely honest, I didn’t really want to go but I felt obligated because my cubicle was right beside hers.  My husband was less than enthused to take over the entire bedtime routine for 3 little kids but relented when I explained it would keep my name out of the water cooler gossip. 

I went to that party fully expecting to buy one thing to fulfill my co-worker obligation but instead walked out the door that night with a receipt for over $100 worth of scrapbook supplies. 

I was sold.  

Not on the product necessarily, but the idea.  I saw the importance of preserving memories for future generations. 

Fast forward 12 years, 3 teenagers, a dog, and 2 jobs.  I was busy and that is putting it mildly.  My scrapbooking had dwindled to almost nothing.  I would get frustrated because it took me days to get a layout done.  I was following the model presented in the magazines; put one large photo on the page with $100 worth of embellishments around it.  Scrapbooking was no longer about the memories but about trying to create the perfect work of art.  Don’t get me wrong.  This is definitely a creative outlet for me and I love to let my artsy side have free reign.  But it had become more of a burden than fun.  Not only was I not completing many layouts but the ones that I did manage to get done didn’t portray much in the memory department.

Fast forward a few more years to the present day.  I’m still busy but I’m beginning to see the light.  It’s been a long time coming and things don’t change overnight but I’m optimistic. 

I’m getting ready to take some first steps. I hope you’ll want to join me.