Great in Eight Week 4 Challenge

Week 4 – Scrap the Stash

When I teach a class in person I always ask if anyone has a box of scraps at home.  Not one person has ever said that they didn't.  We keep everything (we are scrapbookers after all) but the problem is we don’t always use it.  For this week’s challenge I want you to get out your scraps and put them on a page.  It can be a strip of paper that you turn into a fringe border, a ribbon snip that you put behind an embellishment, or an extra button that you cut off your favorite shirt. The possibilities are endless.  Hopefully at the end of the week you’ll be motivated to use that scrap box more often!

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  1. I took a class from Keller's, all about using scraps. Guess I'll have to dig up those notes! :-)

  2. I just got my box of scraps from Keller's today. Tme for creativity!
