Great in Eight Week 7 Challenge!

Week 7 – Join the Circle
Check out these stackers and rings at Keller's Creations! 

Circles are the theme this week.  Really it can be anything circular: rings, circle die cuts, pictures cut into circles.  Remember just because we can cut things into circles doesn’t mean we should.  Everything on your page doesn’t have to be a circle.  Maybe you only want one circle photo to be the focal point for your page.  You may want several smaller circles to serve as a border.  You could use a ring to highlight a portion of a regular photo.  Have fun with it. We’ve been playing with circles since we were just young tikes.  Find your inner child and have a ball! 

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Great in Eight Week 6

Week 6 – Scrap a List

Lists are helpful tools. I have a perpetual To Do list that seems to never end.  My husband would say the same of the “Honey Do” list.  We want to focus on lists that are a little bit more fun for this challenge like: My Bucket List; 10 Things I Love About My Life; How Do I Love You – Let Me Count The Ways; Top Five Best Restaurants in My Town; Rollercoasters of Cedar Point (in my opinion the best amusement park in the country for rollercoasters); Seven Reasons the Number 7 is Super; The Princesses of Disney; Three Weddings and a …I think you get the idea.  It can be an obvious list or something a little more subtle.

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Week Five Challenge

Week 5 – Sketchabilities
Magazines are a great source of inspiration but too often we get lost in all of the photos of cute children and the $100 worth of embellishments surrounding the photos.  That’s why I love to use sketches.  Lots of inspiration: minus the distraction. This week we will create layouts based on sketches that we find in books, magazines, or online.  You can start with the Keller’s Creations blog.  There are over 100 sketches tucked away there. Next you can cruise on over to Pinterest and search for scrapbook sketches.  If that doesn't produce enough results you can do a general Google search for scrapbook sketches.  That should keep you busy for a while!  

This is just one of the many sketches on the Keller's Creations website!

This week upload the sketch as well as the layout to Facebook.  Not only will you be eligible for the weekly prize but you will also be sharing inspiration with everyone else!

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Great in Eight Week 4 Challenge

Week 4 – Scrap the Stash

When I teach a class in person I always ask if anyone has a box of scraps at home.  Not one person has ever said that they didn't.  We keep everything (we are scrapbookers after all) but the problem is we don’t always use it.  For this week’s challenge I want you to get out your scraps and put them on a page.  It can be a strip of paper that you turn into a fringe border, a ribbon snip that you put behind an embellishment, or an extra button that you cut off your favorite shirt. The possibilities are endless.  Hopefully at the end of the week you’ll be motivated to use that scrap box more often!

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